Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Despite being angry and frustrated for the last 24 hours.... (I love spending gil on a prommy run, only to have it not happen...=/ I'm more irritated that I'll have to save this junk in my already packed Mog House until another, inevitably, canceled prommy run happens.) *I honestly don't give a flying fig if these people get their prommy's done, especially after last night, when we were waiting around for someone only to have them say "I never said I would go." I could have been SLEEPING kthx! *

This still makes me smile. :)

As for my going on's, I got so frustrated I started another character on another server (I honestly forget which one...I picked it randomly from the list.) , where I can hide when I don't want to be bothered. I must say I'm really enjoying it. I'm dirt poor but doing quests and farming items for monies. I started little black mage Taru female, and I adore her ^^! I don't know why, but the thought of starting over completely doesn't make me fuss much. (if I were to ever lose my account...which is happening a lot lately due to that keylogging thing going around, I would just pick up the pieces and start over.)

It's not that I hate people over on my server or anything, I enjoy being around the majority of them, it's just....meh...

1 comment:

Jowy said...

Wich serv are you on?^^
Gonna /poke if you're on rag :3