Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Putting aside a few hundred thousand gil to work on getting my goldsmithing skilled. Of course, the market for gold ingots is flooded, so I'm working on skilling up on rings. Expensive and you lose pretty much all the gil you put into least with gold ingots I could just continually level off whatever money I got back from selling the ingots. ><><

Anyway, I got a decent amount of skillups at least. Currently, as I write this, I sit at 52.7 goldsmithing.

I'm up late because of nerves. I'm nervous about tomorrow. ><

Monday, May 26, 2008

Goldsmithing leveling plan

Back up to over 1 million gil (and steadily growing due to my chocodigging and bazaar at night), time to start pushing through the dreaded 50's of goldsmithing. My plan is to invest in the gil for just 1 stack of gold ingots. Sell those, and use the money I get back to continue to make another stack. I figure it will burn less of a noticeable hole in my pockets if I do it this way.

Thinking ahead, I will be planting my tree cuttings in an attempt to grow platinum nuggets. I've been saving all the platinum ores I've dug up while chocodigging and I'm itching to to get through those and on with my goldsmithing "career". Hopefully, I'll be able to make a dent in my skillups from all of the pre-planning.

As for real life land. I'm going for my medical examination for permanent residence here in Canada. (Cause' I'm a smelly, diseased American :P ) I'm nervous about it, mainly because I hate going to the hospital, and because I haven't had any sort of doctors examination since I had my appendix taken out two summers ago. =/ I'm a youngin' (23) , but I always worry about big things like this. ><><

Is it odd to say that I can't wait to NOT have the time to play this game so much anymore?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Soloing Adventures

I've noticed the caliber of parties is slowly going down the toilet. Even higher level ones. It used to be, when you got to Crawler's Nest, parties would steadily get better. However, parties there lately suck more than the dunes. Are people getting that lazy? Parties are starting to suck even with power levelers.

As for me, I'm still trekking along with Black Mage. It's a shame its getting so darn hard to find parties, as Black Mages are beasts for damage. I sometimes wish I had started playing this game much earlier (actually I wish that a lot hehe) .

Anyway, I'm at level 44 right now. Once I hit 41-ish I found it hard to find a good solo spot, as there is no way in holy hell I'm going to Castle Z. So I looked around online, and found out about a spot in in the Jungles in the Temple of Ugg. (whatever the hell it's spelled. =/) I wasn't familiar with soloing elementals coming here, so they wiped the pavement with me for a long time...I'm now fine, haven't died in awhile, save the 1 time I died due to poison and low hp. >< But we'll pretend that didn't happen, because I'm so ubber good.... o_o

Anyway, the spot seems pretty sweet so far, theres a place to zone if you get into trouble, only elementals have a lot more hp, and thus, use up more of my mp to kill them. With the anniversary band, things are moving much quicker, to my delight, hehehe. Soon I shall move on to Cape T. and goblin pets. And in a few more levels, I can get my elemental staffs, oh and I suppose I should start the quest for my Artifact Armor. Whoops! *embarassed* It will be nice to hunt for my own keys and such, as I decide to level Samurai to 75 first...which is just another beast for physical damage....too bad the defense sucks butt....

Austin (my boyfriend) is busy leveling his Mithra and has become hellbent on playing Corsair to 75, even after realizing how much bullets cost. The whole reason he switched to a female character was due to wanting to level that job. =/ "They look better in the AF." I will admit they do, and it's his game, so he should do what he wants. (Heck, I re-leveled a character, so who am I to say anything against?)

As for me, I will level Corsair someday, but for now, my focus is on my mage jobs. I <3 Mage. :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Did some of the past quests today. Great stuff to be had from the Sandy (S) ones, have a deathstone and angelstone to sell now, which is great as I neeeeeds gillls. My goal to do most/all quests in the game is well underway. (Can you tell when I play a game, I play the hell out of it...>< It's always been my neurotic obsession. )

Chocobo digging has been awesome lately! I usually end up in Altepa, and if its dug up at one point, I just d/c while on choco and wait until a later time in the day. It's been working great, as I don't waste as many greens on "dud" digs. I'm starting to plan ahead and save my platinum ores (as many as I can fit at least) for my next stage of goldsmithing...once I get past gold, that is.

I'm being super stingy about using my anniversary ring..still has all the charges hehe.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Operation: "HQ staves...get"

Working my butt off to save the gil to get a full set of HQ staves for my Black Mage. I'm a mage at heart, working on getting the best possible gear for these jobs. :)

Choco Digging is proving to be very profitable for me again lately. I've been sticking to Altepa Lately, coral fragments and philosopher's stones are lovely. Zinc can be made to brass, which sells nice, bone chips and femurs go to the vendor or sold on the AH depending on price....

The Gold ore I've been digging up is good for getting my Goldsmithing leveled up some more....very, very slowly. ><

Friday, May 9, 2008


So to block out some of my the major irritations in my life right now *coughs* 18 year old younger sister called to tell me she's pregnant *coughs* I've decided to play even more of the game.

My poor eyes.... they're going bad on this rate I'll probably need glasses soon ><

Star Necklace is mine now! It's a good neck for mp whores like myself. :P

I've been doing this all while coding stuff for
I've let is sit for way too long....

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Holy Meat Mithkabobs Batman!
I have a little cooking mule Taru who is my meat mithkabob making whore at the moment. Having cooking at 72.2 is useful I think... I just need to farm some more honey to keep raising it. (I'm cheap and don't like to waste money buying ingredients.) Thanks to herb seeds and brass flowerpots, I now have 7 stacks of Kazahm Peppers to deal with, hurray for cost-cutting!

Did lots of Quests and Missions lately.

Group for the Minotaur Fight in CoP. We had almost a full alliance, I like large die less. (generally) :P
Ulma singing a pretty song with her harp. ^_^
Foul Mouthed Prishe.

Other stuffs:

It's been an npc focused kind of day. I did the Mirror Images quest, fought a solo bcnm with Yoli (npc's name), and broke her 65 cap. Pweh!

As for the Linkshell dilemma, I've asked around, and found a new endgame linkshell on my sever (there are many apparently) where the members and leaders (especially them) are civil, courteous and friendly. They have enough for Salvage and things like that that, but they're still working on the numbers for dynamis. We'll see we'll see ^^ I'm in no big rush, I'm still trying to get my missions all complete for my country >< .

I'm not a fan of linkshell where its "Fuck this." "Fuck that" as soon as I log on. Call me old fashioned, but I'm not a fan of constant foul language. I'm also not a fan of singling people out and putting them down for honest mistakes. :)

Back to some more quests. ^_^