Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Back again!

Back into the game after another few months off. I decided that, FFXI is indeed, time consuming, however, it's not "Soul Sucking" like WoW is. I can at least log on when I feel the need, play for a bit, be happy, and log off. addictive, not sure exactly why it is so addictive, as it's pretty monotonous.

I was raiding 6 nights a week for the last few weeks, and I finally hit my burn out this week. I am flying out of town for a very important interview in New York City, so I purposely did not schedule myself for any raids this week. It was a great week....I got to spend actual time with my boyfriend (who plays too, but it's not the same as actually spending time TOGETHER, and not with 23 other people who we may or may not like depending.) I got to poke around in FFXI, and realize that I really did miss it....
My boyfriend and I came to the same conclusion, especially after reading an old livejournal entry pertaining to WoW way back when we first started dating, and it's the same as it was then. The game is getting in the way, and it's no longer becoming a fun past-time, it's like a job and where is the fun in that? You get to 80 and there's only two options, raid or pvp. Raiding requires time and 24 other people of the proper gear and makeup to do right.... And of course there's always the asshats who completely ruin the fun. Ulduar is really pretty (for Blizzard at least...Square wins on coolness factor still), and it's very challenging, but there's really nothing other than getting gear and replacing the gear a week later with something else.....I ask myself what's the point?

Friends? No, WoW friendships are fleeting and well, they aren't friendships at all really. (minus like...the odd one here and there, but it's very rare.) No one seems to legitimately care about the other person. Most people either don't converse at all, are thick and say "ah" to everything until you get frustrated and shut up, or just stop talking altogether halfway through. In my WoW career I think I have like..2-3 people I still keep in touch with, and 1 I hardly ever talk to.

I came back to FFXI and had 3 tells within the first hour of being on from people I didn't think remembered me saying "Welcome Back!". It was nice to be remembered. My old friend Chupa is still around, it's good to be back among some friendly faces! :D His Linkshell memebers are also quite nice as well, I enjoy their antics. (And they let me tag along to their Dynamis's even when I said I wasn't sure about endgame and just wanted to try it out to see.)

For now, I have a lot on my plate, and if this NYC thing goes well, it will be a very busy time for me, so I will be playing casually. I need to get away from WoW, spend some time with my love, and work on getting my life all back on track. :)

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