Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Turban ^_^

So after a bout of fishing, I got bored and decided to use some of my 47,000 imperial standing points to finally get my Walahra Turban. Granted, I can't wear it until 75, but I figured I would get all those Bronze Piece turn-ins out of the way now.

Today was spent afk-ing, and working on getting my cooking mule some gobbie bag quests done. Was entertaining running my level 9 to Jeuno. =/ She still needs more fame for the rest of the gobbie bags, but at least I got some done. Cooking requires lots and lots of space ><. I plan on making her a Super-Mule, will get her the mog locker and fill her mog house with storage stuff. Then I can get rid of one of my crappier mules and only have her. :) It will be nice! And I will feel so organized!

1 comment:

Jowy said...

Omg gratz!
I was so happy when I got mine. It was like....... "omg look, i'm so pro!" ,and mhhh .. status symbol itamz back then ~