Thursday, February 21, 2008

...I may never know....

Why am I constantly referred to as "he" "man" or "dude" ingame? It's honestly pretty obvious from the way I type ,I am, in fact, female. At least the last time I checked.


Also I love when a GREAT party disbans because of a fight over damage and SATA.... >< Right before I was about to level too.... Now I'm forced to do campaign since it's a bit too late for a party.

I'm also getting somewhat lonely. Everyone that I am close to in-game....minus the always busy and off doing their own thing. I tend to get one word replies from people who are further occupied, but they are occupied basically all the friggin time. I'm getting discouraged a bit. That and everyones in different shells and quite happy with them.
I suppose I should just go back to the game thing I did with Austin. Traveling as "the pair" and doing our own thing alone. This is what happens with me most of the time, people get caught up in their own thing (and rightfully so) while I tend to get left in the dust. I guess I just don't make that much of an impression on people. ><

Anway, back to campaign, then bed.

1 comment:

Jowy said...

"Why am I constantly referred to as "he" "man" or "dude" ingame? It's honestly pretty obvious from the way I type ,I am, in fact, female."

Please give me this answer if you eventually realize this D;
For me, being a taru is even more difficult ;;