Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Flashback time

I spent the better part of today and yesterday re-viewing a lot of the missions I had done thus far in WoTG. (today is ToAU watching day hehe) It's been a fair amount of time and I feel to grasp what the hell is going on right now, I need to watch some things over hehe. Incidentally, I took screens of said cut scenes, since I got lazy and didn't the first time. :) So far, design wise, I think I like Lilisette's design and attitude the most. They did a really nice job on her design and the new cut scenes are more vibrant and well animated than the older ones. :) And Caith Sith is freaking creepy lol. I love it! (picture of him being held by his ears down below. :P )

Also, I'm working on getting Dancer to 37 for sub job purposes. It's at 32 and already I'm taking it into Campaign as Sam/Dnc for survivability. And I must say, it is much easier to stay alive, since I always pull hate anyway. Also getting a lot more xp for my efforts since I can solo certain mobs. (if they are mages, nuh uh....they are mean.)

I believe I'm doing a Dynamis Sandy tonight my new shell, should be interesting. However, not sure how I'm going to manage to stay up that late (they do their events in the uber late hours of the night.) since I have asshat neighbors who think hammering at 8am is ok. 4 hours of sleep makes for a cranky Kelvena. ><

I'm still trying to re-establish myself again. Takes some adjusting but for the most part, it's familiar and I feel back at home again. My goals this time are:
1. Don't overplay. It takes the fun out of the game.
2. Don't overcraft. Esp. on expensive ones like Goldsmithing. It's depressing tossing the gil out the window.
3. Don't fall into a horribly boring routine ingame like last time.
4. Don't become a doormat for lazy asses who always want a power leveler. *nods*

Pretty simple goals. :P

On Saturday I get to go away for almost a week, will be nice to go on a mini vacation and get out with the boy. Just hope the actual purpose of my trip goes well. :P

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