Monday, March 24, 2008

I've been busy ^^

A lot has gone on lately. I've gotten pretty far into the Zilart Missions tagging along with a friends linkshell. Not to "Sky" yet, but I'm getting close. Also attained Rank 7 earlier last week, after being persistent as hell about getting people to go. It worked out way better than I had expected. lol I usually can't get anyone to come. Chupacabra helped me get my Jody's Acid for the next mission in Aht Urgahn (yes I'm a slacker. ) Now I have to fight an NM. ><
(Some Screenies of my adventures are posted throughout this entry. >< ) Along with all of my Mission adventures, I've been doing a lot of quests, many of them being interesting. I don't know why most people decide to bypass most of the games quest, it really makes it more enjoyable and interesting if you do them. But that's just me I guess..>< Along with all of this I've been doing numerous quests, just to make my gaming experience more fun, and it is working. I've even almost got all of the Mannequin parts ^^
In leveling news, I've gotten Black Mage to 31 (almost 32) solo. Goblin Pets helped a lot with this, but they killed me muchly.... I'm even doing Campaigns with it right's less stressful to me than soling and dying so much. >< When I hit 35, I'm going to start flagging for parties. (I'm trying to avoid Garliage Citadel as much as I can lol I hate that place at level 30, if I get to 35, I'm less likely to have to party there.) Paladin is now 19, after a leveling session with chup and zuriel.

Oh and we now have a PSP here. :) Now I can play Final Fantasy Tactics while healing or waiting around. :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Typing in my boredom

So some more emergency maint. today. Not a huge deal as I was kind of expecting it. You can't expect the poor employees who run this thing NOT to have a few kinks to work out. People who complain about downtime and such, I say to you:

"You go out, you learn how to program, you design and program a game as intricate as this one and you try to upkeep it."

Only then can you really, truly, be allowed to bitch and moan. Otherwise...well shut the hell up. =/
This game doesn't nearly have as much downtime as games like WoW so people should be happy about that. *has memories of her server being offline for three whole days out of nowhere*

So anyway. Zuriel got home from work for lunch and I gave him the idea of us doing some more Nation Rank missions tonight. Hopefully that will work out. Hell, I'm willing to even trying them duo, it would be fun methinks. Lately, I find myself turning into an anal stickler worrying about numbers and dying/loosing xp. Today I thought..."Why?" Since when have I become some anal player who's afraid to try something just for the hell of it?
After this I ran around Sandy catching up on some quests. I'm not in Sandy very much, and I happened to log out yeah... Had some fun running around gathering items and such.

I also got to listen to Zuriel rant for hours and hours about dune parties. Heheh..... Honestly, its powerleveling and spoon feeding people levels here, when you should be learning your job, that makes bad players. This is why I don't powerlevel anymore. Sure, fast xp is great, but hell, I even found myself clueless when I hit the 40's for the first time. I started the game late and the majority of my parties had plers.... As a white mage, it annoyed me because I felt it was pointless for me to be there. At level 40-ish I found myself learning my job for the first time....I thought to myself..."This isn't right...I should know this." It irritated me and I knew it was because of the power leveling. Honestly, I wont be modest, I catch on quick and I learn fast, so I was fine. Now I make it a point to solo/duo etc with each new job I play, and experiment with the abilities. I actually don't like parties with power levelers. Especially since the time on my other character, a 60 whm at the time, watching as the parties red mage brought a75 white mage with them to power level. I was flipping mad, it's rude to me, especially at the level, to bring a healer along when HELLO I'M HERE! They didn't stop when they saw I was healing pissed me off and made me bored. Anyway, yeah I don't like power leveling.

So, I found my Mannequin Legs for much, much cheaper than Zuriel. Who promptly mumbled for me to shove them down my throat. (jokingly, I love him ♥ hehe) I'll be doing bcnms for the rest of the body parts shortly.

Now off to tidy up the house and such while I wait for maintenance to be over.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Operation Sub Job (s)

Current Job levels as of now. I worked my butt off getting Warrior and Thief to 37 (for Samurai Sub Jobs) this past week. Dancer was at 14 earlier this week and I took it to level 22 in a small amount of time, thanks to a friend who Zuriel and I triode with in the dunes. Ninja was taken to 21 this past weekend, simply by soloing. I can't stand low level parties...I avoid them if I can. It's been a pretty productive few days.
I'll post more on my ventures as I go. :)

Zuriels spent the last few days trying to find Mannequin feet to complete his pet project. He's obsessed with getting that Mannequin lol. I want one as well, but I'm a bit more...err..patient....o_o

Monday, March 10, 2008

Etiquette and courtesy

Good party etiquette is something I've been seeing less and less of lately. I remember, though I only started a year and a half ago, people were much nicer... Then again I was new, and did not know as many players yet, which is probably why.

The past week, I've spent some time in the dunes leveling various jobs. (I'm going on a sub-job leveling spree, I want to make myself more versatile.) The first party, I was the Paladin. Three new players and two that have played for at least a little while. One was a healer and refused to sit to rest mp...the other was having huge lag issues. (I hate that.) One of the new players insisted on talking to me, "I'm going to make you lol ", among other somewhat creepy comments about uhm...female characters. oO For two hours of partying....I got about 1k xp. OK. Yeah, that's the dunes for you, I expect that of party there. I only go in hopes that I'll find the occasional decent party and get some xp.

The next time I go as Ninja. None of the members wants to pull, so I start pulling. We lose a member in between our pathetic kills. We get a Thief. They pull, do ok, then for some reason start to aggro Goblin Bounty Hunters. It happens, but uhm....I don't ever recall, even at the start of the game, aggroing during pulling THAT much. =/ Anyway, we move camp. Lose another member, another leaves, and the Thief logs off without saying anything.

Coming to my rant. I HATE when people do that. I HATE HATE HATE when people don't have the courage to just say "Look, I'm done." This person played before and had higher levels. At no point in the game is it considered OK to just log off during a party. I've had a healer do this in a party before, and I still remember the name. (probably because the characters name was the same name as my actual boyfriend. :P) I remember people who screw the parties I'm in over. I steer clear of parties with these people in them. If they do it once, they'll do it again. It's just in very bad taste to do that and I myself don' yeah. (minus the time my keyboard freaked out on me and I had to force d/c on purpose to try to fix it...I felt so bad. I couldn't even type to them to tell them. My words came out as gibberish...I fried another wireless keyboard that day lol.)

So yeah my little party Do's and Don't list.
-Don't get into a party when you only have...say...45 minutes to play. It's just common sense. It sometimes takes that amount of time just to get to a camp.
-Do bring food. I find even in Valkrum it's very helpful. I'm not talking Squid Sushi or anything, especially for the dunes, but grilled hare is very cheap, lasts for a few hours (as long as you don't die.) and gives you a nice stat boost. There are some great low level food recipes that can help get your through the dunes. No excuses that "I don't have money." grilled hare is dirt cheap to make, and is about 400-500 gil on the AH. I honestly recommend leveling cooking a bit to make these goodies for yourself. It comes in handy in a pinch. Mages bring pies or at least cookies for mp restoration. I've started to carry cookies on me when I'm in low level parties. Just in case a mage doesn't have them.... Orange Juices are great for mp restoration and cap out at level 12 can buy the saruta oranges in windy for quite cheap and farm the water crystals. Bring a stack or two of oranges with you, along with the crystals and synth them on the go if need be. (just not when you're supposed to be...say...healing...><)
-Don't come naked. I cringe when I see this. It shows you don't care at all, and it does help to have some defense. I'm not talking about double astral rings (kind of overrated...I have one and it isn't all that impressive.) but at least have gear for your level. I've seen many a party where someone like the healer comes with absolutely nothing on. At dunes level you can have some +mind and +intellect's not THAT expensive USE it. There are also some GREAT low level items you can get for leveling these jobs, some from NM's other from quests. Gil might be an issue at low levels but just do quests. Many have gil rewards, others, even better, have equipment. You can gear your low level character up completely on quests if you really wanted to.
-Don't fight with other party members. Seriously. So many times I'm in a party and suggest something or mention something and get knocked back by the guy who is like "I know more than you because I have 7 level 75's." This is the same guy that will probably screw up and pull three gobs or log out halfway through the party because it's not going well. I know the type. I'm a veteran of a game called World of Warcraft....I know how irritating "know it alls who talk out of their ass" can be. >< Having a 75 does not make you a massive pool of knowledge. You can still be a bad player. =/ Don't give these people the satisfaction of a fight. Generally they've got a chip on their shoulders and want to piss you off to vindicate themselves.... Just ignore them.
-Don't get discouraged. The games tricky to learn. I can still remember being in Valkrum the first time on my black mage overnuking and doing everything wrong. lol It's a learning experience, and it's supposed to be fun I think a lot of the long time players forget this. If you screw up, and you will, just shrug it off and don't let it get to you.
-Do use the Auto Translate function. While waiting for a party why not go through and view some of the phrases it can translate. It helps when communicating with non-English speaking players. This game is distributed all over the world, don't assume everyone is going to know English. If you are party leader, use it to give directions at all times. Don't assume everyone can understand you.
-Don't talk about members in party chat. It's just mean. Especially when you're talking about another player who you know does not speak your language. It's cruel and you never know how much English a player can understand. (The Japanese, if I'm not mistaken, have to take two years of English by default in yeah....keep that in mind if you are one to do this kind of thing. Same goes with any other language really, I tend to see the most animosity between the English and Japanese...) If you've had it done to you, ignore it, there are jerks all around the world, that doesn't make an entire group of people jerks. Remember that. You wouldn't want it done to you, so don't do it yourself.

I could go on and on all night but I think thats it for now. :P I'm very quiet in parties since I don't like to start stupid debates over stats and equipment. (If one more person tells me I need an o-kote I'll tear their face off......>< I r violent. :P (joking by the way) I'm still discovering what is best for me.

The new update comes out today. I'm still waiting for it to download....My boyfriends downloaded faster, so he's in game while I'm sitting here pouting away. :)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

new job

Since I'm going to hit 75 Samurai very shortly, I was considering where to go from there. I like Samurai, I just want to level other jobs and find the one I like most. :) I've been flip-flopping my choices in my head for days nows.... I would like to level Paladin, the times that I have played a tank job, I really liked it. I would love to level Bard, I leveled it a bit on another character and found its easy to get parties with, I like being support, and I've recently found that I really like pulling. Not to mention I'm not half bad at it. I've been called on to pull a lot with my Sam...and ew....I hate pulling with a bow instead of a crossbow. >< Black mage has been a pet side job of mine for a month or two (I level it when I don't feel like partying that day.) , it's fun, I don't mind the idea of having to solo once I hit higher levels and such.... Corsair seems kind of interesting to play. :) I like the idea of using a gun! :)

So, yes, I'm at a loss of what to pick after this. >< Meh....

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Lots and lots of stuff

....grrr....had a whole entry that blogger ate....

To sum it up, since I'm not rewriting all of that again. I'm 70, Maat is down, Zilart Missions were done this past weekend, waiting on the Antican fight now..... and I am now 400k in the hole from my new 70 gear.

Funny Screen below.

By the time he was done with his train of mobs, he had the entire lower half of Yhoatar Jungle chasing him. :)