Tuesday, November 20, 2007

>< busy

Wings of the Goddess expansion is out today. I'll be grabbing that after my boyfriend gets home from work. :) Other than that, I've been really busy lately, we're moving very very soon and on extremely short notice....so things have been crazy. >< However, I've gotten my Mithra White Mage to 60 AND did her 60 cap ALONE. :) Now for my Hume....I look forward to having more bragging rights lol.

I'll make a better, prettier post when we get all moved in a week and a half.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Almost out of the dreaded level 50's....that was painfully slow. Still working on getting that damned Temple of Ugga-whatever coffer... I have the key... I just need the coffer...which appears to be locked behind two doors, that require two different keys, one of which you have to kill level 61-67 Tonberry's for. Meh....stupid little lizard men and their Throat Stab. Though I would still die laughing if they named a Tonberry Notorious Monster "Stabby Mc Stabbington" like Bast suggested....I was tired, goofy, and couldn't stop laughing when I read that. *sighs* Someday I will get my full Samurai Artifact Gear...someday..... Not that it's even very useful now. But it looks kickass...so I want it.

So, one more level and I get to shell out the 300,000 + gil to buy a Hauby. I find them horribly icky looking, but it's a good piece of equipment...so I'll deal.

Oh, I did my first few Assaults about two weeks ago. They sort of remind me of Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft...minus the screaming in aggravation every 5 seconds. I can't wait to get enough points to ... you know...get something.

So this weekend, parties permitting, I will get to 60. Oh what fun.